The auspicious event

What was the auspicious event in June 1826?

Auspicious Incident
Date 15 June 1826 Location Istanbul and other cities of Ottoman Empire Result The Janissary corps was disbanded and replaced with a more modern military force
Ottoman GovernmentJanissaries

Who killed the Janissaries?

The maintenance costs of the armed forces proved increasingly unaffordable for the empire, however, and augmented the growing tensions between the Janissaries and the sultan. An attempt by Osman II (1618–22) to discipline them and cut their pay led to his execution at their hands.

What is the significance of the auspicious incident in the history of the Ottoman Empire?

In the early 19th century the Janissaries resisted the adoption of European reforms by the Ottoman army. Their end came in June 1826 in the so-called Auspicious Incident. On learning of the formation of new, Westernized troops, the Janissaries revolted.

Why were the Janissaries finally extinguished?

Despite the Janissaries' admiration for their master and their service to him, when these soldiers came together they had enough power to topple the Sultan, and this unbalanced form of influence was a major reason why they were ultimately disbanded.

Why did Ottoman Empire enter World war 1?

The Ottoman Empire came into World War I as one of the Central Powers. The Ottoman Empire entered the war by carrying out a surprise attack on Russia's Black Sea coast on 29 October 1914, with Russia responding by declaring war on 5 November 1914.

Why did the Ottoman Empire decline?

The Ottoman economy was disrupted by inflation, caused by the influx of precious metals into Europe from the Americas and by an increasing imbalance of trade between East and West.

Are Janissaries slaves?

The Janissaries were kapıkulları (sing. kapıkulu), "door servants" or "slaves of the Porte", neither freemen nor ordinary slaves (köle). They were subjected to strict discipline, but were paid salaries and pensions upon retirement and formed their own distinctive social class.

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