The silent patient

What is the main idea of The Silent Patient?

Alex Michaelides' debut psychological thriller, The Silent Patient, tracks one woman's act of violence against her husband—and of the therapist obsessed with uncovering her motive… Doctor, heal thyself, seems to be the overarching theme of this new, incredibly sly psychological thriller.

Is The Silent Patient worth reading?

Objectively speaking: It's a good book. The premise is gold. The writing is solid. If I'm being honest: I don't love mystery/thriller books (I actually prefer mystery/thriller movies), but don't regret reading this one.

Is The Silent Patient based on true story?

I was in my thirties when I attended nursing school, and I took the year-long crash course to get it over with as a LPN (licensed practical nurse). I was blessed to be able to cram the crash course in a year.

Is The Silent Patient scary?

The Silent Patient is a swarming, paranoid nightmare of a novel with an ending that is destined to go down as one of the most shocking, mind-blowing twists in recent memory.” "This is a wonderful new voice. Listen to it. It's about to tell you a thrilling and scary story.

Is Theo a psychopath in The Silent Patient?

But it turns out (the twist!) that Kathy cheated six years ago — with Gabriel, Alicia's husband — and it was then that Theo, the true psychopath, broke into Alicia's house, held her captive and exposed the affair, triggering a long-dormant trauma that incites her to shoot Gabriel in the face.

What is the twist at the end of The Silent Patient?

The book ends with the police coming to question him about the diary. The big twist is when you realize that they are two different timelines (one before the murder, the other after) being told at once, and Theo was the “masked man” that prompted the murder (though Alicia is the one who actually did it).

Is The Silent Patient Overhyped?

I mean, don't get me wrong, it is a page-turner which kept me hooked through 3 nights, but it's not perfect or award-winning, like it has been shown to be. I feel like there are a little too many plot-twists, which leads to some sub-plots remaining hanging.

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